
Peer Reviewed Publications

Asiamah,P.A.; Bechtel,D.G.; Waldner,C.L.; Buchanan, F.C.; 2009. Effects of leptin Arg25cys on peripheral mononuclear cell counts and antibody response to vaccination in beef cattle. Animal Genetics. 40:783-787

Bechtel,D.G.; Waldner,C.L.; Wickstrom,M.; 2009. Associations between immune function in yearling beef cattle and airborne emissions of SO2, H2S, and VOCs from oil and natural gas facilities. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health. 64(1):73-86

Bechtel,D.G.; Waldner,C.L.; Wickstrom,M.; 2009. Associations between in utero exposure to airborne emissions from oil and gas production and processing facilities and immune system outcomes in neonatal beef calves. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health. 64(1):59-71

Bechtel,D.G.; Waldner,C.L.; Wickstrom,M.; 2009. Associations between immune function in yearling beef cattle and airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and PM1.0 near oil and natural gas field facilities. Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health. 64(1):47-58

Bechtel,D.G.; Lee,L.E.J.; 1994. Effects of aflatoxin B-1 in a liver cell line from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Toxicology In Vitro. 8 (3) 317-328

Lee,L.E.; Clemons,J.H.; Bechtel,D.G.; Caldwell,S.J.; Han,K.B.; Pasitschniak-Arts,M.; Mosser,D.D.; Bols,N.C., 1993. Development and characterization of a rainbow trout liver cell line expressing cytochrome P450-dependent monooxygenase activity. Cell Biol. Toxicol. 9 (3) 279-294

Waldner, C.; Bechtel, D.; Clark, T.; Wickstrom, M.L. 2006. Association between exposure to emissions from the oil and gas industry in western Canada and health in neonatal beef calves. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Montreal, PQ (abstract)

Wickstrom, M.L.; Bechtel, D.; Kallas, M.; Waldner, C. 2006. Effects of oil and gas field emissions on DNA integrity and immune function in domestic and wild mammals. The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Montreal, PQ (abstract)

Bechtel, D.; Waldner, C.; Davis,W.; Wickstrom, W. 2004. Peripheral Leukocyte Phenotyping and Systemic Antibody Response as Field Tests to Evaluate Immunotoxicity in Beef Cattle. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (abstract)

Bechtel, D.; Waldner, C.; Davis,W.; Wickstrom, W. 2004. Peripheral Leukocyte Phenotyping and Systemic Antibody Response as Field Tests to Evaluate Immunotoxicity in Beef Cattle. University of Saskatchewan, Life Sciences Research Conference, Saskatoon, SK (abstract)

Bechtel, D.; Waldner, C.; Davis,W.; Wickstrom, W. 2004. Peripheral Leukocyte Phenotyping and Systemic Antibody Response as Field Tests to Evaluate Immunotoxicity in Beef Cattle. Annual Toxicology Meeting, Saskatoon, SK (abstract)

Bechtel, D.G. and L.E.J. Lee. 1991. Cytotoxicity of Aflatoxin B1 in a rainbow trout liver cell line. Society of Toxicology of Canada, Annual Symposium, Montreal, PQ (abstract)

Academic Documents

Bechtel, D.G., 2005. Associations of Exposure to Oil and Gas Processing and Production Emissions on Immunomodulation in Yearling Cattle and Neonatal Calves. Ph.D. Thesis

Bechtel, D.G., 1993. Cytotoxicity of Aflatoxin B1 and Benzo[a]pyrene in a Rainbow Trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) Liver cell Line. M.Sc. Thesis Contributions to Technical Reports or Government Documentation

Contributions to Technical Reports or Government Documentation

Bechtel, D.; Waldner, C.; Blakley, B. and Wickstrom, M. 2004. Effects of water quality and micronutrient status on immune function in beef heifers. Final Report to Beef Cattle Research Council.

Health and the Environment: Partners for Life. 1997. Environmental Health Directorate, Health Canada. Drafted Food Chapter.

The Standard for Pesticide Education, Training and Certification in Canada. 1995. Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Health Canada. National Task Force on Pesticide Education Contributing Participant